Is Massage Therapy Career Training Right for You?

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Mission Statement

LHAA is dedicated to providing an environment and curriculum that encourages and inspires professional development and personal growth for our students. We are committed to creating a community spirit in which each individual is respected, appreciated, and accepted. The faculty and staff are actively engaged in assisting students to attain career aspirations in the health and wellness professions.

At LHAA, we take this statement to heart and work every day to make sure we are following our mission and striving to reach our goals. We encourage you to explore our Training Programs, our Massage ClinicContinuing Education Workshops and Yoga Studio to start your journey with LHAA today.


Fill out this form now to receive more information.

Lexington Healing Arts Academy
272 Southland Drive
Lexington, KY 40503

Download our FREE App!

Massage Clinic:
(859) 252-5656
Yoga Studio:
(859) 252-5656 x 31
Admissions & Financial Aid:
(859) 252-5656 x 25
(859) 252-5656 x 30

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