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To the Point! Essential Trigger Points

Essential features of successful myofascial trigger point therapy

Everybody thinks trigger point therapy is about pressing hard on very tender muscle knots. It’s not. In recent years trigger point therapy has become very popular and even more misunderstood. It is not just about pressing on trigger points or even the referred pain charts. It is about figuring out not only where the pain is coming from, but more importantly why. As massage therapists, we see all kinds of common pain conditions in our clinics, many of which can be resolved if we take the time to really see the individual in front of us.

In this class, we will learn which questions to ask, what to look for in a standing postural assessment, and a few simple orthopedic tests that will clarify what tissues to address. We will discuss how to talk to your clients about changing habits and postures that are perpetuating their chronic pain. Trigger point referred pain and dysfunction patterns from the seven most common pain conditions will be covered in detail.

You will become much more confident treating some of the most avoided, sensitive, and clinically essential muscles; the scalenes, pectoralis major, rectus abdominis, psoas, quadratus lumborum, subscapularis and sternocleidomastoid. You will be introduced to a couple you may not know at all, the splenius cervicis, serratus posterior superior and even a couple of hidden trigger points in the muscle you know the very best, the upper trapezius.

Best of all, hands-on trades will be “Therapeutically Delicious” as your partner will practice direct verbal communication and close observation to assess your own personal response to the treatment. This will not be a “no pain, no gain” experience. Even the most sensitive people can benefit from trigger point therapy done well.

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook; Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief 3rd edition by Clair and Amber Davies is required (available online or in class). Our workbook is an international bestseller and the most thorough trigger point guide for massage therapists. You will learn how to maximize your most reliable educational resource, your own body. Self-care and clinical education all in one. Space is limited. Sign up today

Please note – this class is open to licensed massage, physical and occupational therapists only.

Cost: $259
CE Hours: 14
Instructor: Amber Davies LMT, CMTPT

Amber Davies
Amber Davies is a certified Myofascial trigger point therapist and licensed massage therapist. Her company provides continuing education for massage and other manual therapists. She also provides self-treatment classes for people seeking a non-invasive, inexpensive, approach to treating common pain conditions.


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