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woman at stand up desk in office

Extended periods of sitting behind a desk can be harmful. In fact, researchers who analyzed 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to that posed by obesity and smoking.

Prolonged sitting can lead to weight gain, an increase in blood pressure, and can cause stress on the back, neck, arms, and legs. For those who have jobs that require them to be at a desk most of the day, that’s not comforting news – and one of the reasons that standing desks are rising in popularity.

Stand-up desks are a more ergonomic way of working, lessening the physical strain on the body. Research has shown many benefits of working at a stand-up desk.

  • May lower risk of weight gain

Compared to an afternoon of sitting, the same amount of time spent standing has been shown to burn over 170 additional calories.

  • May lower blood sugar levels

Standing after eating lunch can reduce the blood sugar spike by 43% compared to sitting for the same amount of time.

  • May lower risk of heart disease

Standing has been proven to be better for heart health than sitting.

  • May increase energy and improve your mood

Standing engages the brain, which can increase your energy and boost your mood, making your work more productive.

But standing desks aren’t perfect. Too much standing can put pressure on your feet, knees, hips, and back. Consider routine massage therapy to help with the aches and pains that standing desks might not eliminate.

Therapeutic massage stimulates receptors that transmit sensory signals to the central nervous system, which may help relieve pain by relaxing painful muscles, tendons, and joints and reducing inflammation. Additionally, it can relieve stress and anxiety and promote relaxation after a busy day in front of the computer.

Different types of massages can aid different aches and pains in the body. Here are four of the most common modalities.

Myofascial Massage

Myofascial massage may ease pain and restore motion through gentle but sustained pressure to connective tissues.

Hot Stone Massage

During a Hot Stone Massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of the body to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues.

Swedish Massage

Though a Swedish Massage doesn’t target specific pain points, it enhances blood flow and releases muscle tension for an overall relaxed feeling.

Foot Massage

Most full-body massages will typically include the feet, but if you are short on time, many massage therapists may offer separate foot massages to help heal those tired soles after a day of standing.

Need some TLC after a day in front of your desk?

Our team of professional and student massage therapists is here to help you reduce the aches and pains after a day of standing at your desk. Visit our massage clinic page to see our appointment types and availability.


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