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strength training

According to studies from Tufts University strength training can be very positive for older adults. As we age many of us might begin to think that we aren’t healthy enough, fit enough, or strong enough for exercise involving strength training. On the contrary, strength training has shown to improve symptoms among older adults with a variety of diseases and conditions including arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain, and even depression.

Specific benefits observed include:

  • Reduced pain among arthritis patients (In one 16 week program patients saw a 43% reduction in pain; this was as effective if not more so, than pain medication)
  • Improved balance, decreasing the risk of injury due to falls
  • Increased bone density, reducing the risk of fractures
  • Greater confidence and self-esteem
  • Improved sleep quality

Having seen the benefits in study after study, Tufts University worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to put together a program encouraging strength training among older adults filled with great resources and information. Find it here: Growing Stronger

They have excellent recommendations and advice for beginning a strength training exercise routine without jeopardizing health or safety, as well as ways to monitor progress and stay motivated. They suggest scheduling strength training for three days a week, with a day off in between each to give your muscles a chance to rest and recover.

Interested in working with a personal trainer to help you establish a strength training routine that is safe, effective, and tailored to your current level of fitness and your goals for the future? Give us a call at (859) 252-5656 to schedule a free fitness assessment and first training session.

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Lexington Healing Arts Academy
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Lexington, KY 40503

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