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Think of spring as your second chance at a New Year’s resolution. As the seasons transition, the promise of renewal and reflection can recharge the mind, body, and soul, making it the perfect time to explore change. And speaking of change, if you are thinking about switching up your yoga practice, spring is the perfect time to unroll that mat outdoors and come alive with the new season. Here are 5 reasons you should move your yoga practice outdoors.

1. Spending time in nature is healthy

You may have heard this anecdotally, but it is scientifically proven that spending time in nature can positively affect your physical and mental wellbeing. A 2018 global study reported that people living near greenspaces had overall good health, including reduced heart rates and stress levels.

2. Practicing outdoors awakens your senses

Practicing the robust movements of Sun Salutations or any other Vinyasa flow outdoors can awaken your senses times ten. Purposely tapping into the sounds of singing birds, the warmth of the sun on your face, and the feel of the earth against your bare feet helps you find self-awareness.

3. Breathing in fresh air boosts your immune system

Practicing Pranayama, or breathing techniques, in the outdoors can help you detox from the stale indoor air you’ve breathed in all winter. Since yoga is influenced heavily by the awareness of breath, taking in pure, fresh air pumps your body with oxygen, essential for a healthy immune system.

4. Trying headstands on uneven terrain feeds your resourcefulness

Think off the mat and challenge your practice outdoors on bumpy grounds with a headstand against a beautiful oak tree. The asymmetrical environment forces you to concentrate more on your poses. Not to mention upside down poses can raise your energy and help drain lymphatic and venous fluids.

5. Taking in natural Vitamin D

After hibernating all winter, vitamin D levels generally decrease. But come spring, outdoor yoga is a great way to absorb healthy amounts of vitamin D, which can strengthen your immune system and your bones, and reduce pressure. Just don’t forget the sunscreen.

Looking to start or renew your yoga practice? LHAA offers a selection of classes that fit the practice needs of all ability levels! Learn more here.

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Lexington Healing Arts Academy
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Lexington, KY 40503

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