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Poses to alleviate back pain

It’s no surprise to hear the eyebrow-raising statistics about the number of individuals who suffer from back pain. There are a number of treatments, therapies, creams, and everything in between designed to reduce this pain. Add yoga to the list – here are 3 poses that can help increase mobility and blood flow to help alleviate your back pain.

Gentle Cat-Cow Pose

This is traditionally considered a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. The spinal movements of both poses stimulate the kidneys and adrenal glands. If practiced regularly, Cat-Cow can help to develop postural awareness and bring the spine into correct alignment.

Cobra Pose

Cobra pose is a great beginning backbend used to build safe back strength. Known for its ability to increase the flexibility of the spine, cobra pose stretches the chest while strengthening the spine and shoulders. It also helps to reduce stress and fatigue.

Supine Thread the Needle (Piriformis stretch)

This is an effective pose to open the hips and lower back, which relieves tension to create a sense of physical ease throughout the body. It can also improve circulation throughout the legs, hips and back, reducing pain caused by stiffness and inactivity. Supine thread the needle is especially useful for practitioners who may have limitations such as knee or hip issues. 

If you would like to try yoga to help relieve back pain, and you aren’t sure which yoga class is right for you, LHAA can help answer your questions. Fill out the form on this page and we’ll help you select a class to meet your physical needs.

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Lexington Healing Arts Academy
272 Southland Drive
Lexington, KY 40503

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