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Staying active as parents

Suffer through an hour commute. Check. Do the grocery shopping. Check. Take the kids to soccer practice. Check. Call the exterminator. Check. There are a lot of tick marks on your to do list throughout the day, but how about one for exercise? In a world where the kids need attention, the boss needs a report, and the tub needs to be scrubbed, it’s important for busy parents to find time to take care of themselves, too. After all, exercise may take energy, but it produces energy in return—the thing you need the most of. Try these tips for making time for your own fitness routine.

Rise and shine 30 minutes earlier

Writer Mark Twain has been credited with saying, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Which could be interpreted as getting your biggest task of the day over with early. So, if exercise is your frog, try setting your alarm clock thirty minutes earlier in the morning so you can make time for a fitness routine. Do some yoga, step on the elliptical machine, or take the dog for a brisk walk around the block. All of these things are doable in thirty minutes. Plus, it can provide you some much needed alone time to prepare for your day.

Grab a kid and a kettlebell

There’s nothing that says you have to work out alone. In fact, exercising with your kids can be a great bonding experience, not to mention you might even instill them with a passion for fitness early on. Create a workout routine that everybody can do, but offers opportunities to challenge yourself. Try some planks, pushups, jumping jacks, crunches, and the dreaded burpees. Also, incorporate some resistance bands, jump ropes, and kettlebells for the older kids. Working out as a family means you don’t have to sacrifice your together time for exercise.

Have someone hold you accountable

Let’s be honest. It’s easy to slack off and make excuses for not exercising when no one is looking. No judgment here because we’ve all been guilty of it. If you are “that person” maybe hiring a personal trainer is the answer to your fitness success because he or she will hold you accountable, which means it’s more likely that you’ll stick with your workouts. Having a set appointment time with a trainer can help keep you disciplined with your schedule too. Not to mention, they can help you track your progress, which is another motivator when you see your efforts are paying off.

Lunge at lunch

Maybe you just aren’t a morning person and no matter how committed you are, getting up 30 minutes early to workout is not going to happen. That’s OK, there’s always lunch. No matter where you work there are probably opportunities for a fitness routine, even if it’s your office. Keep some dumbbells under your desk. Find a deserted hallway and do a few rounds of walking lunges. Grab some office pals and walk a few city blocks or hike some natural trails if your office is more remote. Throughout the day, if you work in a tall building, take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Not sure how to get started?

LHHA offers personal training sessions that are all about you and your needs and fitness goals. Their Personal Fitness Interns can help you get started for only $10 a session. Even if your schedule means you have to work out at home, they can give you the tools and an individualized program that you can fit to your schedule. Make an appointment to get started on your specific fitness goals and help our interns transition from student to professional.

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